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Astrology at its most basic definition is: the study of stars
Astrology at a more accurate and intricate definition is:
The study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.
Astrology to me is:
The study of unveiling the messages of the cosmos to better determine one’s life path and life purpose.
Astrology, as we know it here in the western world, expresses itself through a very small portion of what it truly is. We usually try to initiate a deeper conversation with a person or even sometimes judge them based on their response to the question “What’s your sun sign?”
That question is just the tip of the iceberg, or better yet, like focusing on one star in all of the galaxies.
Each planet in our solar system has an effect on you whether you realize it or not. The zodiac signs are how these planets express themselves
Consider astrology as the language of the stars,
not a belief system
We are a reflection of the cosmos.
As above, so below; as within, so without.
We are a reflection of the entire universe, a microcosm.
Astrology is the study of yourself in a sense. The deeper meanings to life, the personality conflictions, the constant cycles… all explained and expressed through astrology.
There is literally “no one like you” because you are a unique expression of greater universal consciousness. You are stardust.
It’s not that hard to comprehend. Consider questioning or letting go of previous conditioning and expand your mind to what is and what can be.
Your birth-chart is your universal fingerprint.
With access to your birth chart, you can discover the secrets and truths of your life. Who are you most compatible with? What are the ways you can manage your emotions and anger? What’s holding you back in life? Some of life’s deepest questions will begin to come clear with a full analysis of your birth chart.