Herbal-Infused Lemonade

Posted by 💚Emerald Posted on:July 3, 2019 Comments:0

Summer is an incredible month for action, inspiration, and HEAT STROKE!
What better way to cool down during family gatherings than with some herbal-infused lemonade? Well, I have something special for you, this herbal lemonade is infused with Dandelion leaf, Holy Basil and Peppermint! I’ve made this herbal lemonade for my friends & family during hot days they always LOVE it!
Here below I’ve listed the herbs used for this recipe!

🌿 Dandelion Leaf

Dandelion, also known as the “weed in everyone’s yard” is actually an incredibly important plant to consume fresh or dry on a regular basis! Dandelion does amazing things for your body; it helps support and cleanse your liver! It’s also another fantastic digestive aid for when you’re feeling backed up or bloated. Unlike the other two herbs which are spicier in smell and taste, Dandelion has a more earthy and sweet and taste to it.

🌿 Holy Basil

Holy Basil, also known as Tulsi, is an herb known for increasing the longevity of life! Holy basil helps to calm and ground your body in stressful situations. Holy basil also assists in decreasing inflammation throughout the body! It is an herb that has a bit of spice and heat to it; Tulsi goes very well to add flavor to this recipe.

🌿 Peppermint

Peppermint is a very common plant we’re most familiar with in the form of red and white candy. However, that candy has none of the healing properties pure peppermint leaf has. Peppermint is a great coolant herb, meaning it naturally cools down the body, this is great for a hot summer day! Peppermint also helps with any digestive issues people may experience such as gas or bloating after eating. A flavorful addition to this lemonade! I would also suggest that if you don’t have the other herbs, just make peppermint lemonade by itself!

🌺 Another great additional herb if you have it is Hibiscus flower! This not only turns your lemonade red, but it also saturates your cells with extra vitamin C and is known to be a naturally cooling herb!

Ingredients for Herbal Infused Lemonade

  • 1 TBS Holy Basil
  • 2 TBS Dandelion Leaf
  • 1 TBS Peppermint Leaf
  • 1 tsp Hibiscus Flower
  • 1/4 Cup Raw Unfiltered Honey
  • Juice of 2-3 Lemons
  • 3-4 Cups Filtered Water


Boil water, remove from heat. Add Herbs, allow to steep for 15-20 min (depending on how flavorful you want the lemonade).
Filter herbs from water, add honey and lemon juice. Pour over ice & enjoy!
