Book an Herbal Consultation With Me!

Once we have the tools and understanding on how to make our own medicine, then we can start to incorporate it in our daily lives.
Physically, Mentally, Emotionally & Spiritually,
plant medicine brings us closer to optimal health and balance.

How To Use Herbs

Today we find it difficult to seek an alternative way to heal ourselves without depending on insurance companies and spending hundreds of dollars on drugs. As most of us know, prescription medications have caused many side effects and complications. This is now common knowledge. What is lost common knowledge is how we can use common medicinal herbs on a daily basis to bring back optimal health. This is important information I feel deeply called to share.

I believe health through each individual will bring health to a larger community and overall health back to the planet!

Book an Herbal Consultation With Me!

Plants are our allies, and itโ€™s important to respect these organisms. The fact is, the DNA of plants is ancient; they have been on this Earth much longer than we. However, we forget that plants have been evolving with us for hundreds and thousands of years!

For thousands of years, way before the internet or even books, plants were a major source of healing for humans all over the world.

The practice of using medicinal herbs was referred to as Herbalism.
Herbalism according to the dictionary today is:  โ€œthe study or practice of the medicinal and therapeutic use of plants; especially as a form of alternative medicineโ€.
Herbalism to me is:  โ€œThe understanding of plants through their specific actions and medicinal properties within the human body. A little confession here, my love for herbalism also stems from my love of the human body. Anatomy and physiology has always been my favorite subject in school. Seeing how plants literally interact with specific parts of your body is truly incredible to me!

Plants hold certain chemistry that comes to life & dances with your own chemistry!

Plants contain a certain intelligence that can directly interact with our own body chemistry in a profound way.  Unlike man-made chemicals, plants are naturally extremely complex and bring their own, powerful chemistry with them. Plants can work in many different ways within the body in order to bring it to balance. Thatโ€™s their own magic within us– balance.

Plants are not to be used as pharmaceuticals in order to cover up symptoms; they heal deeply and totally. As an herbalist, I have the basic education to differentiate what herbs are right for each client specific to their own bodies and their own needs. I am a conduit through which plants can speak and communicate their healing power. Itโ€™s important to understand the differences and complexity of these herbs; this is why herbalism is so important.
People often โ€œGoogle Searchโ€ all of their questions, getting answers from the most visited websites with lots of Ads and pretty pictures, instead of more reputable sources. I am here to be that reputable source, you can count on me to continue expanding my knowledge to share with the masses. Especially those who are ready to transform their lives through plant-power!!!

Book an Herbal Consultation With Me!