Immune System 101

Posted by 💚Emerald Posted on:April 23, 2020 Comments:0

March 2020, was the beginning of a global shut-down.
COVID_19 has shaken the people and the systems we depend on. A virus that has changed the world as we know it– some say maybe for the better. This pandemic has truly shaken the way we operate and the “truths” we have lived by for so long. It has opened the door for many people to start taking action in their own lives for the betterment of humanity. Thousands of people have found salvation while others are finding their oppressed suffering coming to the surface.
The officials of countries, regions, and states all over the world have applied mandatory quarantine and social distancing. Though some have seen this as dreadful, most of us are seeing it as pure opportunity.
Opportunity to learn more and reflect on what has been happening in our lives for the past years. Realizing that a lot of us have been on autopilot and not truly directing our lives as we should.

The most popular topic of interest at this time– for obvious reasons, is the Immune System. People are finally starting to pay attention to their body’s defense system. Why it takes a world crisis– I don’t know, just happy people are finally active in their own health!
Below I’ve made a comprehensible guide to the immune system basics + what you need to keep your immune system healthy.

What is the Immune System?

The expression of true relationship & the fight for balance within.
Your Inner Army

“The biological definition of immunity includes all of the physiological mechanisms that give an organism the ability to recognize foreign substances and neutralize or degrade them with or without injury of the organism’s own tissue.” – David Hoffman

Basically it kills everything that’s not you! 🙂

The immune system has become a crucial topic in all branches of medicine in more recent years. Attempting to understand the complexity of the human body is a journey within itself– literally.
It is so crucial that you take care of yourself not only physically, but emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Autoimmune diseases are a good example of the body turning on you and attacking healthy cells. These are seen as chronic imbalances that manifest physically. What is the connection and where is the disconnection? These diseases go by different names, but a lot of them can actually be connected to having an imbalance in one’s life that has been internalized for months or years.
*Studies have shown for years that the quality of our emotions and mood states can be linked back to the gut– that’s right where the immune system likes to stay too.

The immune system is ecology in action, which means there is a battle for balance occurring within us at all times. To say the least, this system is very touchy and requires attention.

What are the Organs Associated with the Immune System?

  • Bone Marrow is where cells of the immune systems are created
  • Lymphatic system is how the cells travel through the body
    • Exercise is really important! The lymphatic system relies on muscle movement to flow.
  • Thymus gland is the maturation of immune system cells (T-cells)
  • Spleen is composed of all cells and acts as an important filter
    More information here

What are the Best Ways to
Build the Immune System?

Two words we all love to hear: healthy foods
Let’s be brutally honest here folks. If you feed your army fast food and sugary snacks all day, do you really expect them to be up for the life long battle of keeping you safe.? No. For a healthy immune system, the base needs to be nutrient-rich, nourishing, revitalizing foods.
Immune cells are made in the bone marrow, which means eating foods high in calcium (like leafy greens), and getting more than enough vitamin D is essential for healthy bones. A plant-saturated diet + 15-20 minutes per day of full sunlight will build you a very strong immune system.

  • citrus/(vitamin C)
  • leafy greens
  • fermented foods
  • medicinal mushrooms
  • fluids (water, tea)
  • garlic/onions
  • ginger
  • healthy fats

Your immune system is made to recognize, specialize, and memorize foreign organisms that come into contact with the body to ensure a lifetime of security that is always adapting and evolving.

What are the Best Herbs & Foods to
Support and Protect the Immune System?

The immune system needs balance. When it’s out of balance the response is either under-performance or over-reacting.

Battle after battle plays out within you without you even knowing it! Your army– the immune system, is massive! The immune system can be anywhere and everywhere in the body.
In the same way we need food to support the body, the immune system depends on us to keep it supported so it can protect us.

Strengthen your overall health by seeking immune-tonic herbs like medicinal mushrooms. Tonics “take care” over time to a specific system.
Food sourced antioxidants are highly associated with protecting the immune system and BONUS– fighting against depression.
Read My > 5 Tips to Remedy Depression <

Immune Modulators balance and strengthen the immune system over longer periods of time.
Immune Stimulates activate the immune system to fight an infection that is short term.
*Anti-Microbials directly kill germs such as bacteria, fungus, and viruses.

Stay Healthy & Take Care ~
